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Brandy Duncan / Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber
Marketing & Events Manager
Brandy Duncan is the Marketing and Events Manager for the Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber. Graduating from the University of West Georgia in 2014 with a BS in Public Relations and Minor in Marketing. She started her first job directly after graduation with Georgia-Pacific, LLC as their Corporate Events Assistant for Corporate Communications and Marketing. After being with Georgia-Pacific for one year she accepted a job with the Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber.
The SSPC’s mission is to build connections and business in the local community. The chamber hosts several networking events monthly for members and non-members to participate in to further their business and community relations. Brandy is responsible for marketing and planning all events for the chamber including: Monthly Chamber Luncheons, Networking at Noon, Coffee & Contacts and Young Professionals.
For more information regarding the Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber or events please contact Brandy at: (404) 476-4805or

Shane Foster / Technology Association of Georgia (TAG)
Director of Corporate Relations
Shane Foster is originally from Tampa, FL, and a graduate of Florida State University. He then received his master’s degree in non-profit administration from Georgia State University. Currently, Shane is a Director of Corporate Relations for the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG). For any questions regarding TAG, or if you want to get involved in any way, please contact him at:

Adrian Marshall / JCI – Junior Chamber International – Atlanta
Executive Vice President