Tonia Morris/ToniaMorrisSpeaks.com and Simply HR & More
Simply HR & More is a consultant company that focus on helping organizations and individuals’ transition from where they are to where they want to be. This is done by providing consultant services, coaching and training. Simply HR & More has help several organization with cultural transformation, embracing a multi generations workforce and improving productivity and customer satisfaction. Simply HR & More provides multi generation training that focus on generation inclusiveness, communication, leadership and much more. To learn more about training provided, visit simplyhrandmore.com; to learn more about Tonia’s speaking engagements and her books, visit ToniaMorrisSpeaks.com.
Vanessa Lowry/VanessaLowry.com
Vanessa Lowry teams up with mindful entrepreneurs and marketing departments of small to medium size businesses to differentiate their brand through distinctive graphics, compelling copy, and unique strategies for promoting their products and services. To that end, she has assisted more than 100 business professionals in publishing their own book or coauthoring one of her topic-specific, collaborative book projects. Visit VanessaLowry.com or Connect4Leverage.com to learn more and see examples of her work.