Gena Mango & Elizabeth Hendrix/Georgia DFCS
The Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS) Caregiver Recruitment and Retention Unit (CRRU) is charged with recruiting, retaining and supporting foster, adoptive and kinship caregivers. Since its inception, CRRU has managed the Foster Georgia website, inquiry line and chat feature. In addition, CRRU coordinates statewide recruitment efforts to bring awareness to the need for foster and adoptive parents. To ensure that prospective caregivers are able to advance through the approval process in a timely manner and receive the required continued parent development hours after approval, CRRU seeks to contract with a qualified provider(s) to provide pre-service and post-service training services. If you’re interested in becoming a foster caregiver, call (877) 423-4746.
Megan Ward/Five Hive
Administered by foster parents in partnership with the Division of Family and Children Services, The Five Hive connects Region 5 foster families and provide a strong peer support network. Through a variety of initiatives, The Five Hive serves the Region 5 foster care community and address persistent challenges by focusing on placement, family support, community engagement, and region unity.