On this episode of “Strategic Insights Radio”, host Dave Wilkins introduces you to award-winning author and musician Daniel Cowan (aka Dan Random) about his new and innovative sci-fi novel integrated with music “Somewhere Called Now“.
Daniel Cowan/Author
“Somewhere Called Now“ is the story of four “less-than-mature” college students who place an advertisement on the internet claiming they’re an accomplished espionage group. In truth, this is the brain child of the team’s eccentric leader Frank Brise, who is simply trying to raise money for next Fall quarter.
Much to their amazement, the ad is observed by an international terrorist organization who kidnaps and then blackmails them into cooperating. Used as a decoy, the four students soon find themselves in communist North Korea bumbling towards their objective.
Through a bizarre chain of events, they discover it’s not an advanced weapon’s program being developed, but rather a time displacement device, which a few corrupt generals plan to use to conquer the past by means of modern technology. The team stumbles onto the machine, accidentally transporting themselves and the device into history. There, they discover the inventor’s notes and piece together the mysteries at hand.
Using a laptop for an interface, the group attempts to work themselves back through time to their own period, opening the door for many adventures, along with some bizarre lessons in human nature. What is old is new again.
About “Strategic Insights Radio”:
“Strategic Insights Radio” is intended to be an interactive radio show hosted by Sterling Rose Consulting Corp. Listeners can Tweet their questions for a live response on the radio to @sterling_rose1 or via @strategicradio. Also, suggestions on business topics that listeners would like to learn more about are welcome. Please send suggestions to info@sterlingroseconsultingcorp.com.