In this ASTD Workplace Learning Special Edition interview, hear from Dr. Stephen Harmon. Dr. Harmon is the Director of Learning Technologies and an Associate Professor in the school of Education at Georgia State University where he promotes effective and innovative uses of technology
After majoring in English literature at Furman University, Stephen moved to Upper Egypt to teach fourth-grade English for two years. While there he had the opportunity to travel extensively through the Middle East and Africa. During this time he realized that there was a tremendous need for education and training in developing countries, but few resources to provide it. He decided to attend graduate school and enrolled in graduate studies in instructional technology at the University of Georgia,where he completed a masters and doctorate in instructional technology with a cognate in global policy studies.
Dr. Harmon then accepted a position as an assistant professor of instructional technology at the Universityof Houston-Clear Lake and worked there the next five years building a masters program and working to improve the university’s educational technology infrastructure. He returned to his native Atlanta, along with about 15 million other people, just in time for the summer Olympics in 1996 and joined the faculty in Middle, Secondary Education and Instructional Technology at Georgia State University, first as an assistant and then as an associate professor.
In addition to his academic appointments, he has served as theDirector of Educational Technology in the College of Education and as Chair of the Division of Learning Technologies. His research centers on educational uses of emerging technologies and has focused on elearning for the last few years, particularly with respect to synchronous online learning environments. He also conducts research on educational technology in developing countries.
He has served as president of both the Division of Learning and Performance Environments and of the Research and Theory Division for the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, and is currently President elect of that organization.