Jack Scherer / SALESTALENT
Jack Scherer is founder and president of SALESTALENT, a sales performance agency that focuses on three key areas: Targeted Sales Recruiting… Customized Sales Training programs… and Sales Strategy Playbooks.
SALESTALENT was started in 2001 because Jack saw the continuous need to find productive salespeople as well as to develop customized sales training programs for all types of businesses — “one size does not fit all.” Over the last 13 years, Jack and his company have worked with many types of businesses–in Technology/IT, healthcare, marketing, manufacturing, and many different business services. SALESTALENT delivers increased sales performance!!
SALESTALENT NATIONAL EXPANSION: The next step for SALESTALENT is to offer their proven sales systems to qualified sales professionals in key markets throughout the U.S. The mission of SALESTALENT is to be the national leader in increasing sales performance for the small to mid sized business.