Allen McNeill has been with Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc since January of 2000 as Vice President in the Southeast. From 1982 until 1990 Allen was a partner with a management development firm based in Columbia, SC. This firm provided leadership and management development for companies throughout the United States. For the 10 years prior to joining CGC Allen was co-owner of the McNeill Company which provided leadership and productivity training to financial, professional, and health care institutions throughout the Southeast.
Allen has a BS in Biology from Presbyterian College and an MAT from the University of South Carolina. Allen was a Little All-American quarterback at Presbyterian College in 1970 and spent the first 13 years of his career as a football coach in South Carolina. He and his wife Jane live in Atlanta, GA where he is an avid golfer.
Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. is the oldest outplacement firm in the nation. They pio¬neered and created most of the outplacement and job search methods practiced and advocated today. Jim Challenger, the founder, started the Outplacement industry in Chicago in 1962. Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. is a national firm with 56 offices throughout the United States. They are the only national firm that specializes exclusively in Outplacement.