My first guest in the studio with me was Amber O’Neal. Amber is a certified personal trainer & nutrition expert, and the owner of Café Physique, an Atlanta-based fitness & nutrition business. Café Physique specializes in mobile personal training, yoga, pilates and nutrition programs designed to meet the healthy lifestyle needs of clients in the privacy and convenience of their homes. With over 8 years of experience, Amber is well-respected by her peers in the health and wellness community.
In addition to speaking to audiences across the nation, she is a freelance fitness and nutrition writer and media expert who has been featured in numerous publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Marie Claire, and Heart & Soul. Her television appearances include CBS, NBC and FOX affiliates as well as the NBC Nightly News.
Amber talked about how she started Café Physique, why she decided to pursue a mobile service model and what the benefits have been and what they do.
She also talked about the biggest challenge with the model and well as her biggest challenge as an entrepreneur.
Amber recently launched AmberONeal.com as a personal branding website that promotes her speaking, writing, and one-on-one weight loss coaching services. She talked about what led her to that decision to separate her personal brand from the main business.
Café Physique – Who we are and what we do Amber shared tips and success secrets for what she calls “Side-launching†and talked about how to do so with success. She encourages would be entrepreneurs to build a business on the side before leaving the steady income of their day jobs.
She also talked about the necessity of changing your personal lifestyle in order to survive of lower salary when launching a business, the benefits of running a mobile business (bringing the services to the client) – and how to make this challenge to opportunity leap of thinking.
We also discussed Who you are vs. What you do:Â When it is better to separate or combine business and personal brands…and how to create a personality (personal branding) apart from your company.
Find out more about Amber O’Neal and
www.CafePhysique.com and www.AmberONeal.com
Twitter: CafePhysique
Twitter: Amber_ONeal
Facebook Fanpage: Café Physique
My next fabulous guest was Jacqui Rosshandler, owner of Jacquean Products, LLC
and creator of Eat Whatever www.eat-whatever.com
Jacqui talked about her product, how she came up with the idea and how she went from concept to actual product. She talked about the science behind how it works and why and how she recognized this unique niche in the marketplace.
Jacqui talked about how she has marketed Eat Whatever, and how she’s been able to land some pretty great media coverage.
We talked about where Eat Whatever is currently available www.eat-whatever.com
and what’s next.
Jacqui revealed what the biggest challenge has been and her biggest surprise about being a business owner as well as her own personal growth in the process of building her company.
After 2 years in a business up against multi-national companies she has learned what works, what doesn’t and how to maintain your motivation (and sanity) working for yourself in a market you have little experience in. Check out Eat Whatever @ www.eat-whatever.com
You can also find Jacqui here at – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu6xWvpFzSY
Thanks so much to my awesome guests for sharing your inspiring stories.
Until next time… wishing you all Chic Success,