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Brian Denker is the VP and Global Head of Growth Innovation and Leadership at Frost & Sullivan. He oversees the globalization and continued development of Frost & Sullivan’s premiere global community of Growth Innovation and Leadership. This community provides a unique platform for engaging top industries, visionaries, innovators and top thought leaders to share, engage and inspire one another with ideas and fresh perspectives as a way to develop new insights which enable members to anticipate and respond to complex issues. Brian Denker’s Segment
Rick Daigle, Partner of B2B CFO Partners and for the past five years he has served as the part-time CFO and trusted business advisor for clients in numerous business industries including constructions, contracting, manufacturing, retail, law-firms, advertising technology, healthcare technology, medical practices and telecom. Prior to joining B2B, Rick applied his own managerial skills to a seven year project developing a healthcare technology internet start up company in Atlanta. Rick’s extensive work took notice when he received a US software patent for methods and systems for object based relationship distributed databases.
Rick is a devoted husband and father. He holds a Computer Science degree from Louisiana State University and is Six Sigma trained with an advanced certified pro advisor certification in all Quickbook products. Rick presently serves on the committee for the MIT enterprise forum and volunteers for numerous community organizations. Rick Daigle’s Segment