Jennie leads innovative, strategic change. She has been described as one who ‘excels in future reality’. Jennie specializes in partnering with leaders across the organization to translate growth strategies into disciplined execution programs.
Jennie’s love for change began early:
– Moved around frequently while growing up, which whetted her appetite for change and how people are influenced by change
– Exchange student in India at 17, which showed her the world is a collection of diverse ideas, talents, and philosophies
– Educated at small colleges, which taught her about communities
– Early career: COO for small, family-owned business – learned about work groups becoming families
– Mid career: Corporate America – Consulting with small manufacturers, a dive into Lean Six Sigma at GE, and building the Business Transformation group at Coca-Cola Enterprises that created a culture of visible, profitable strategy execution.
Jennie has spent the last 20 months on sabbatical: travel in a very small trailer (blue highways and small town America), tourist volunteer (India) and LOTS of family time (hubby, kids, parents, siblings). She is now in active transition, seeking her next opportunity to engage leaders across an organization to make change happen.