Ann Serrie is a native of New York City. When she was old enough for the novelty of cold weather and snow to wear off, she promptly moved to Atlanta! J At the age of 12, Ann’s grandmother told her that she didn’t want to die in a hospital. She continued to repeat this message for 20 years. Ultimately, Ann’s grandmother received the benefits of hospice, and died peacefully in her own home. This forever marked Ann, and caused her to begin volunteering at Hospice Atlanta nearly 20 years ago. Five years ago, after 13 years of volunteering, Ann was asked to join the Hospice Atlanta staff. Today she is the Direct of Volunteers at Hospice Atlanta, and loves every minute!
Starting her adult life as a nun in Nebraska, Marilyn Anderson has spent her career in the service of others. During her service as a nun, she started attending special services in a chapel where older nuns were dying. This made a huge impact on Marilyn. Over the course of years, she taught on a Native American reservation in South Dakota, and later earned a Masters Degree in Political Science and International Studies from Notre Dame. She also earned a Master of Arts degree from the University of San Francisco. At the age of 54, she met a widower in the Midwest, married and moved to Atlanta. After formal retirement, Marilyn realized that she couldn’t possibly “just retire”, and started volunteering with St. Jude’s Parish. This led to volunteering at Hospice Atlanta, where she continues to volunteer today.
Hospice Atlanta is a non-profit hospice with both a 36 bed campus in Buckhead, and a vibrant home-based hospice. Hospice Atlanta is the largest non-profit hospice in Atlanta, and falls under the umbrella of the Visiting Nurse Health System. Their facility is located at 1244 Park Vista Drive in Atlanta. If you are interested in learning more about Hospice Atlanta, or about volunteering, you can visit their website at, or call them at (404) 869-3000.
We want to thank Griswold Special Care for sponsoring today’s show. Griswold Special Care has been a preferred provider of high quality, affordable in-home senior care in Dallas and Atlanta for 20 years.