Kathryn Marshall began working with children early in her career and realized very quickly the link between child development and the rehabilitation of seniors recovering from neurological ailments. After her daughter experienced an injury as the result of an electrical shock, she discovered that her complications were more neurological than physical and began to pursue Brain Gym for her rehabilitation. Today, Kathryn enjoys helping seniors improve their motor skills and recover from injuries, such as strokes, through Brain Gym exercises. Kathryn can be reached at www.katmarshall.com or by calling 214-226-3700.
Colin Ryane was exploring the human mind at Hofstra University when his path diverted to studying yoga. After injuring both arms and having them cured through a chiropractor, Colin decided to delve into Eastern medicine further. He has been teaching QiGong for over 10 years now and enjoys helping seniors improve their health by restoring balance in their lives. Colin can be reached through his website at www.happyqi.com or at 214-233-5738.
Dan Appelrouth began his career as a rheumatologist. He has always had a passion for singing, and when he retired form being a physician here in Atlanta, he began to focus more attention on singing. Dan was the original cantor at both Temple Emanuel and Temple Beth Tikvah here in Atlanta. He sings Broadway songs from the 1920s through the 1970’s at retirement centers around Atlanta. In 2006, he recorded a CD called MY MEMORIES. Dan has another passion, and that is to feed the hungry. Dan has set up a 501C-3 charity called the Atlanta Hunger Relief Fund. To date, Dan has raised more than $80.000 through his singing, CD sales and charitable events – all of which has gone directly to feeding Atlanta’s hungry. When Dan performs at events or senior communities, 100% of the fee he charges is donated to the Atlanta Hunger Relief fund. If you would like to see and hear Dan’s work on YouTube, click here. Alternatively, visit Dan’s website at www.danappelrouth.org, or contact him via email at danjappel@gmail.com.
Special thanks to Griswold Special Care, A Tradition in Home Care Excellence since 1982, for hosting today’s show!