Leslie Spears began working with seniors on a volunteer basis more than 18 years ago when she was in school at Georgia State University. After graduating, she developed a volunteer organization that served seniors in metro area high rise living centers with social and recreational activities both in and out of the buildings in which they lived. She has written 5 trivia books geared specifically to and for the enjoyment of the senior population. For our long time listeners, you’ll know she fit right in with the Eugeria! crew! Today, Leslie is the Executive Director of Arbor Terrace at Cascade, a unique African American assisted living community. For more information, or to schedule a tour contact Leslie or her team at (404) 237-4026. You can also check them out on the web at www.at-cascade.com.
Our next guest is San Francisco native and author, Joe Skillin. Joe has written a book entitled Confessions of a Caregiver; When Alzheimers Comes to Your Home. The book was written as a result of a personal experience over a period of a decade taking care of his mother-in-law, who was suffering from Alzheimers. Joe tells us the book was not written about Alzheimers, or even about his mother-in-law. Rather, this book was written about himself, his own feelings, initially of anger and frustration. It was written as a guide to those who would come after him in the journey of caring for a loved one suffering from this disease that is so devastating both to the victims and their families and caregivers. Joe’s book is available on Amazon.com, at a local book store or via Tate Publishing.
Our final guest is a Clinical Social Worker at Emory University Department of Neurology. Susan Peterson-Hazan began her career as a social worker thinking she wanted to work with children. During her graduate work at the University of Georgia, Susan lost a grandmother who was very close to her. Through the agency in which she was working, she had the opportunity to serve at an adult daycare. It was then she realized her passion was really in the area aging. Susan tells us that she loves her work so much because she meets so many amazing people every single day! One of the highlights of Susan’s work is her leadership of Early Memory Loss Support Groups conducted twice per year for eight weeks each. A unique aspect of these groups is that they are really two concurrent groups, one for those with the memory loss, and the other for their care partners. For more information about these groups, call Susan directly at 404-728-6273. For a clinical evaluation,please call 404-778-3444.