Auto insurance is a necessity before you can legally get behind the wheel of your vehicle. You may need the bare minimum, or you may need a more comprehensive plan. Let the knowledgeable staff at The Jason Ferguson Agency help find you the coverage that best fits your unique situation.
Homeowners Insurance
Your home is not only a piece of property, it’s probably the biggest investment you’ve ever made. We can help you effectively manage your risk of disasters, theft, and other incidents related to your home and its contents with a homeowners plan customized for your needs.
Life Insurance
Acquiring a stable and thorough life insurance policy is a necessity for those who want to protect their family dream. Unfortunate and unexpected events occur every day, so it’s important not to take life for granted. Life insurance is be the most important decision you make to protect your family’s future.
Small Business Insurance
By asking a few simple questions, we can cut through the confusing legal jargon to explain the policies that will meet the specific needs of your small business. We simplify the process to get you the correct coverage you need, no matter how big or small your business may be.
Health Insurance
One of the most significant factors of an employee’s desire to continue working at a particular company is whether or not the employer provides quality life insurance, health insurance, and other benefits. We can help you retain those valuable employees with plans that meet your company needs.
The Jason Ferguson Agency
The Jason Ferguson Agency is a fully independent, local insurance agency specializing in Auto, Home, Life, and Small Business Insurance. Being fully independent allows us to work for you, our clients, and not the insurance companies. It also means that we have access to many companies through which to help our clients avoid being stuck with only one option. Being local means that you can actually walk into our office to get to know us, and allow us to get to know you. Building strong local relationships allows us to know you as more than a set of numbers, getting to the heart of insurance—protecting all that you have worked hard to earn and build. Whether it is something tangible, like a car and house , or intangible like future earning power and risk of lawsuit, The Jason Ferguson Agency will work to find the right company for you.
Oh, and one more thing, we will actually call you each year to make sure that nothing has changed in your life that needs attention. That is our promise to all of our clients. We work hard to not only earn your business, but to also keep your business.