Don Doster, President of gBehavior –, was in the studio to discuss his company’s unique approach to incentive programs in changing health behavior. You can get a thorough description of gBehavior’s program and its effectiveness by listening to the complete interview on this link: Good Health 07212009 Interview.MP3
Also, Mr. Doster’s tip on his most successful engagement strategy may surprise you; click on this link to hear his response: Good Health 07212009 Engagement.MP3
In the latest health news segment, the hosts provided an update on the H1N1 flu pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls the new virus “unstoppable”. Listen to the show for more details.
Finally, Dr. Rearick and Steve reviewed the concept of self-care guides, and whether they remain a viable, cost-effective corporate wellness option when everything is available on the internet these days. Listen to their differing views on guides: Good Health 07212009 Review.MP3