Dr. Dee Edington – Director of the University of Michigan’s Health Management Research Center, www.hrmc.umich.edu, joined the show to share his learnings and solutions for reducing the total medical and productivity-related cost trends that are bankrupting American businesses. Citing his latest book, Zero Trends, Dee reviewed the “Five Fundamental Pillars” that are necessary to support a successful health management strategy within a company. Hear these solutions and his entire interview on this link: Good Health 08252009 Interview.MP3
Not wanting to lose the opportunity, we asked Dr. Edington what he has found to be as the most successful engagement strategy to get members involved in health and wellness. Click on this link to hear his insightful response: Good Health 08252009 Engagement.MP3
On today’s health tip, Dr. Rearick and Stephen chose to complement Dr. Edington’s key strategies by sharing the why and how to implementing a Culture Audit within a company. This audit is the first step in creating a supportive environment for a businesses’ health management initiative. Click on this link to learn the necessary steps: Good Health 08252009 Tip.MP3
Finally, on the show’s news segment the hosts provided further updates on the H1N1 flu pandemic; as well as providing commentary on the announcement that America’s average life expectancy has increased – not so good news.