Ray Fabius, MD – www.rayfabiusmd.com, joined the show to share his expertise on the benefits and effectiveness of on-site health clinics. Hear Ray share his criteria on which companies can benefit from an in-house medical center and his entire interview on this link: Good Health 08052009 Interview.MP3.
Also, you don’t want to miss Dr. Fabius’ thoughts on what is the most successful strategy that companies can put in place to insure positive results from their local clinic. Click on this link to hear his response: Good Health 08052009 Engagement.MP3.
Also, Dr. Rearick and Stephen warned that more flu shots will be administered this year than ever. In their health tip segment, hear their planning & preparation tips that businesses should have in place NOW, to avoid being left behind in the flu shot scheduling: Good Health 08052009 Tip.MP3.