How can worksite health promotion translate into organizational effectiveness? By broadening the scope to create a culture of well-being, safety and employee engagement. High performing organizations recognize the value of their human capital and invest in their employees to build on their strengths.
Dr. Rosie Ward, Health Management Services Manager with the RJF Agencies, (, joined the show to share, among other views, how typical approaches to wellness are short-sighted and not enough to have long-term success. According to Rosie, the focus should be on supporting individual intrinsic values and creating a culture that supports employee growth and development.
To hear our entire interview with Rosie Ward on these cultural strategies and other interesting topics, simply click on this link, Interview with Rosie Ward.
The hosts also asked Dr. Ward what she felt was the most successful engagement strategy to get members to participate in health and wellness programs. Here’s the link to Rosies’s insightful response: Rosie Ward’s Engagement Strategy.