Dawn Kirk/BestU4Life
Thump-thump. How healthy is your leadership? Thump-thump. How engaged is your team? Thump-thump. Is your organization thriving? Not sure? It’s time for a heart check-up. Dawn S. Kirk, owner and founder of BestU4Life, reveals her unique, people-first approach that has help countless leader build real-world influence and impact. No matter the problem, it can be solved through people. Let the Six Pulses of Heartbeat Leadership position you to empower yourself, engage your team, and impact your organization starting right now!
Zachary Bennett/Reformation Productions
Reformation Productions is a full-service marketing agency located in the North Atlanta metro area of Gwinnett County. They use a more scientific, proven approach to business communications and marketing. Partnering with companies to help them accomplish effective and efficient marketing by providing fresh ideas, creative design, and effective strategies that are designed to work against a backdrop of proven success in the traditions of business. No winging it. No guessing. No trying things out.
They are led by author and marketing executive B. Zachary Bennett (bzacharybennett.com) who also offers fractional chief marketing officer services, one-on-one consulting, and business coaching in addition to the services of the agency. He is also a partner with SCORE and the SBDC, providing for speaking engagements and workshops around the Southeast.
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