Alli Neal/Revved Up Kids
It is the mission of Revved Up Kids to provide programs and safety resources that equip and empower participants to recognize and avoid dangerous situations and people, and to escape violence if necessary.
Revved Up Kids believes that the easiest target for a predator is a child who doesn’t know predators exist. It is their mission to teach kids who predators are, how they operate, and how to respond if they meet a predator. Their personal safety and self-defense training for children has been proven to change a child’s understanding about who predators are, improve self-protective behaviors and increase confidence in responding to a predator. Children have avoided and escaped attacks as a result of their training, and children have disclosed sexual abuse as a result of their training.
They work with private groups and child-serving organizations in the metro Atlanta area, training thousands of children every year. Visit their Programs Page for more information about our personal safety and self-defense training programs.
Veronica Guobadia and Carla Simms/Care4All Children Services
Care4All Children Services is licensed by the State of Georgia through the Department of Human Services – Office of Regulatory Child Care (DHS – ORCC) to provide placements and social services to children in foster care. The agency holds a contract with the Office of Provider Management (OPM) and partners with the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS).
Care4All Children Services recruits, trains and recommends families to OPM for approval in order to obtain a license to foster children in their homes. Once a home is licensed and children are placed for care, Care4All provides follow up social services to ensure that the basic needs of the children and parents are met.
As a Therapeutic Foster Care Agency, Care4All requires more training for parents initially and on-going. The agency also provides more support for children and caregivers. Treatment foster care is preferred over residential or group home-care because it maintains children in family settings, which in turn reduces incidences of trauma. To ensure the safety and security of children, Care4All’s intensive foster parent training includes crisis management and emergency response.