Chris Sanders
Chris brings invaluable experience from both the Olympic and college sports industries. With an undergraduate degree from Indiana University and an M.S. in Sports marketing from Miami University, Chris Sanders’ resume was tailored for a career in sports marketing. From his first position with USA Gymnastics, to his five years with Host Communications, and finally, Vice President of TeamMate, Chris brings with him a great understanding of the sports marketplace from multiple perspectives.
In 15 years in the sports business industry, Chris Sanders has involved himself in nearly every portion of international sports business, consistently rising through every organization with which he has been associated. Today, Chris is the Chief Operating Officer of Helios Partners, an international sports marketing agency based in Atlanta specializing in corporate consulting, property representation, and bid and organizing committee consulting.
Since joining Helios in 2006, Chris has led Helios’ development from a niche Olympic consulting firm to a diversified global sports marketing agency, during an economic period in which small agencies were being gobbled up at best or shuttered at worst. Helios has seen its staff grow fivefold over the past five years, and it also maintains a network of independent contracting consultants for specific types of projects. In quantitative terms, Helios has more than tripled its revenue from 2005 to 2010, and the growth is set to continue after the global financial pains of 2009.