Jamie Turner, CEO 60Secondmarketer.com describes how his firm has replaced traditional online marketing Tools like the white paper, newsletter, and e-mails with the power of video and Social Media. With parent company BKV at the center, Turner’s “Hub & Spoke” model is instiling trust, creating dialog, facilitating genuine engagement . . . and winning business.
Jamie shares a ton of practical ideas for leveraging the most popular online platforms, and explains why Social Media really is a great deal like sex.
Donna Lang (Stone’s personal Life Coach) with Smart Tools Coaching cracks the code for playing the “Inner Game,” and provides important direction for us on selecting the right Coach. She goes on to say: “Slow Down (for a moment or two), take that pause, listen to the silence — craft your intention, and trust what’s there.” Donna suggests (and Stone knows it to be true) . . If you do, then you’ll be properly equipped to achieve real speed — to “laser focus” and Produce Better Results In Less Time.
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