Vera June Starks w/ Law Offices of Vera L. June, PA
Attorney Vera June Starks has excellent academic and professional credentials, outstanding communication skills and a relentless work ethic. Prior to attending Stetson University College of Law where she earned her Juris Doctor, Vera June gained invaluable experience as a legislative fellow for long-standing U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee and later experience as a judicial intern with the Pinellas County courts. She served as an associate in another prominent law firm prior to founding her own firm focused on practice areas that include civil litigation, business law and more.
Ms. June is licensed to practice in both Georgia and Florida, and she maintains offices in Dunwoody and the Orlando metro area. She is active in numerous professional organizations including the Atlanta Bar Association, the Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys and the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association.
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Rachel Lazarus w/ Gwinett Legal Aid
Rachel Lazarus is a Staff Attorney for Atlanta Legal Aid Society’s Gwinnett County office and the Director of the Gwinnett Pro Bono Project. As Project Director with the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Rachel works with local private attorneys to expand pro bono services to residents in Georgia’s fastest growing county. In 2012, Rachel successfully appealed a long-standing court practice of requiring recent violence before granting protective orders. In Lewis v Lewis, the Court of Appeals agreed with Rachel’s argument that since the Family Violence Act does not contain time limits, the court abused its discretion by requiring recent violence. This appellate case greatly expanded the access of TPOs to long-time victims of domestic violence.
Rachel obtained her J.D. in 2001 from the University of Southern California School Of Law, where she participated in the school’s first Family Violence Clinic. While there she studied with legal greats including Constitutional scholar Erwin Chemerinsky.
A Fulton County Daily Report “Rising Star,” Rachel is a member in good standing of the State Bars of Georgia and California, and is also licensed to practice before the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and the Southern District of California, the Georgia Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Courts of Georgia and California. She is an active member of the Gwinnett County Bar Association, and teaches religious school at Congregation Beth Shalom. Rachel lives in Dunwoody with her husband and two daughters.
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Brad Parcells w/ Aperio Coaching and Consulting
Aperio Coaching & Consulting is a professional coaching practice focusing on highly motivated men and women executives and leaders, age 35+ in corporate & non-profit service organizations, who believe they have more to offer themselves and their organization, who have a strong sense of their objectives and recognizes the need to measure their progress and success.
Coaching is a powerful process that enables the client to reveal and illuminate their authentic leadership style via a sharp focus on who they are at their core. Coaching is a highly confidential, trusting and open process that empowers a client to:
1. Increase their Self-Awareness.
2. Which facilitates greater Conscious Decision-Making.
3. Then forwards their decisions into focused and organized Action.
4. And ties in the key component of Accountability to measure progress.
Our coaching assists executives and leaders to improve their effectiveness, which drives both individual and organization results, greater team dynamics, goal achievement, and a stronger, more productive environment.
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Co-Host Josh Schiffer appeared previously on the show. His bio can be found here.