Irma Herrera, Writer, Solo Performer, Social Justice Activista (Hello, Self… Episode 21)
Irma Herrera, writer, performer and activist, was Patricia’s guest on this episode of Hello, Self…They discussed Irma’s work in social justice, culture and bias, her show, and more.
Hello, Self… is presented by Patricia Leonard & Associates and produced by Arlia Hoffman in association with the North Fulton studio of Business RadioX®.
Irma Herrera, Writer, Solo Performer, Social Justice Activista

In her work, Irma explores what it is to be a class migrant who benefited from expanded opportunity, and she is committed to fighting the well-financed efforts presently underway to shut down these paths for marginalized communities.
She is a refugee from a racially polarized South Texas town, who fell in love with big cities: San Antonio, New Orleans, Seattle, Rome, and San Francisco. She is both urbanite and anonymous small town girl. Mexican-American by birth, world citizen by choice, and proud speaker of Spanish, the greatest gift her parents bestowed. The study of languages and discovering how words from different languages connect is something she finds downright thrilling. She loves comedy, mimicry, puns, and anything that gets a genuine response from people, whether laughter or even a groan.
Her multiple identities are indivisible. At all times she is all of these: Chicana, Latina, madre, lawyer, playwright, mentor, criticona, writer, stand-up comic, feminist, world-traveler, outdoors woman, avid hiker (accompanying photo taken on path towards Machu Picchu).
Her 30-plus years as a civil rights lawyer has provided her a front-row seat to the most exciting and challenging societal tectonic shifts. Living in the Bay Area’s rich multicultural milieu, allows Irma to build deep and lasting friendships and loyalty to people whose racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds bear no resemblance to hers. She has plenty to say about navigating in an increasingly multicultural world, especially when what she sees and feels makes her most uncomfortable.
Her one-woman play, a work of creative nonfiction, has been enthusiastically received by audiences and reviewers around the country. The hour-long show is a mashup of personal narrative, lessons in American history, and stories about respecting people’s names, even when they don’t sound like “real” American names. The 20+ characters Irma portrays invite audiences to experience what’s in store for a Mexican-American girl who leaves a segregated South Texas town in search of educational and economic opportunities. This work offers political commentary about life in the United States by weaving history and comedic insights into stories about names, and challenges you to consider how open and welcoming you really are.
About Hello, Self…
Hello, Self… is a biweekly podcast focused on inspiring stories of turning dreams into reality. Join coach and author Patricia Leonard and her guests as they share life-changing Hello, Self… moments.
Hello, Self… is brought to you by Patricia Leonard & Associates and is based on the new book by Patricia Leonard, Hello, Self.., available here.
The show is produced by Arlia Hoffman in association with Business RadioX®. You can find this show on all the major podcast apps. The complete show archive is here.
Patricia Leonard, Host of Hello, Self…

Patricia Leonard is President of RUNWAY TO SUCCESS, a division of Patricia Leonard & Associates located in Nashville, TN. She is a MESSAGE ARTIST speaker, career & business coach, author and magazine columnist. Patricia consults with clients on leadership, empowerment, career management, entrepreneurship and the power of language. Her work is focused on helping clients find their runway to success!
She has a professional background in management, human resources, corporate training, business consulting and talent development. Patricia has worked with companies in the service, music, banking, manufacturing, publishing, warehousing, healthcare, academic, retail and financial industries, and has taught management classes as an adjunct professor.
Patricia has a degree in Human Resource Management, is certified as a Career Coach and Consulting Hypnotist and is MBTI qualified.
Her volunteer energies are focused on Women in Film and Television-Nashville, where she is a Board Vice President; Dress for Success as the Advisory Board President; and International Coaching Federation-Nashville where she held Board roles for several years.
Patricia is the author of Wearing High Heels in a Flip Flop World, BECOMING WOMAN…a journal of personal discovery, THE NOW, HOW & WOW of Success, Happenings, a full year calendar of inspirational messages and a spoken word album titled, I AM…
She enjoys songwriting, creating poetry and has written a one-woman show and artistic speech she performs titled Hello, Self…, about a woman in midlife reinventing herself, which led to her new book by the same name, available here.
On the personal side, Patricia, describes herself as a woman, lover of life, mother, grandmother, career professional and message artist; AND in that order! Her goal is to continue inspiring others, of any age, to START NOW creating and expanding their Runway to Success.
She believes that life is a gift, the way we wrap it is our choice.