Tom Briggette/Pioneer Capital Group
Pioneer Capital Group provides alternative financing to small business owners. Through their relationships with numerous lending groups, Pioneer Capital Group is able to assist existing business owners and provide them with short term, uncollateralized, and non-equity financing. The most common use of funds for businesses is to help them expand, hire, bid jobs or fill orders. Traditional bank financing for small business owners is difficult, and the upsurge in merchant cash advance providers has filled a finance gap that has provided over 10 Billion dollars to almost 180,000 small business owners from 2015 to 2017.
Kyli Owen/27th and Leo
27th and Leo is a retail consulting firm that guides brands and consumer product companies into building long-lasting relationships with their customers through optimal product planning and marketing strategies. The firm takes a holistic approach with each of their clients to understand consumer behaviors and how to make the biggest impact in today’s dynamic retail environments. 27th and Leo steers brands through specific crossroads that are reached through overwhelming growth or a slow down in growth. No matter the path, 27th and Leo develops strategic road-maps to navigate clients through these critical crossroads, and offers brands fully integrated services including consumer trends and analytics, product merchandising and development, and business strategies.