Peggy Titus-Hall CPCC, PCC with People Growth LLC Helps People In Career Transition Launch New Careers
Peg works with her clients to help them find the perfect career that meets their definition of success including personal, professional, and financial satisfaction as well as a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives.
As a personal career and life coach, Peg:
- Is trained and certified to listen, to observe, and to customize the approach to individual client needs
- Seeks to elicit solutions and strategies from the client
- Believes that you, the client, are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole
On your own, you are alone and limited only to what you know, Peg gives you the benefit of her career in large corporations and her own company helping executives, family business members and individuals with their careers.
For those who are making a career transition for and those who want to climb the corporate ladder faster than their peers, Peg will equip you with the techniques, the insights, the skills, the confidence and the very best tools, processes, strategies and techniques so you get the very best results faster than the “rest of the pack”.
Peg can help you to:
- Identify your ideal career path
- Develop your networking connections
- Determine a communications strategy to ask for what you want and need from your network
- Build an effective, powerful resume
- Cultivate a plan to build an ongoing career path
She is also an expert in interpersonal communication and presenting like a pro. You can learn how to give presentations that are alive, fun, communicate your message and make it stick … so people take action, not naps.
She knows what she’s doing in front of an audience and is a sought after speaker. Her previous speaking engagements include:
- McDonald’s Corporation
- Georgia Institute of Technology – Women’s Leadership Conference
- American Society for Training & Development
- Credit Professionals International
- Networking Entrepreneurial Women’s Conference
- Ernst & Young LLP
- Georgia Association for Women Lawyers
- Georgia Coach Association
When you listen in, you’ll pick up several suggested website Peg recommends to help you with your career and career transitions in our broadcast so don’t miss that.
Peg is well connected in the community and serves as the President of the Board of Directors of the Johns Creek Symphony Orchestra and is an alumni of Leadership Johns Creek.
You can put someone on your team who will help you get a better position faster and take away skills that will make you far more effective and confident in your future roles, business and personal.
Give Peg a call at 678-427-6456 email:, and visit her on the web at