I’m Emily Elmore, founder of The MotoDoll.
I’m on a mission to mobilize and moto|vate all to journey boldly, crush roadblocks, and reroute effectively with the right people, the right roadmap, and the right perspective.
I’m an Air Force pilot, engineer, and motor enthusiast.
When a catastrophic injury forced me from the cockpit and devastated my mobility, I pivoted to coaching, motivation, and team development. Now I help others with their own obstacles through lessons learned on the road, in the cockpit, and under the hood!
The MotoDoll offers coaching, moto|vational speaking, and community outreach.
Whether you need a personal coach or team development, The MotoDoll will boost your performance. And we pay success forward! The MotoDoll donates 10% of profits to modifying mobility equipment for the grievously injured!
Overview and Schedule of Activities
March 8, 2019 – March 10, 2019
We anticipate at least 200 great women from across the US and Florida to attend this exciting and fun event for women. It is designed to provide fun, new connections, resources, and a rekindling of sparks to ignite the powers within all attendees. There will be opportunities to hear some amazing success stories, make new friends, and share concerns and suggestions about the future for the current and future generation of women in the U.S.
We have secured our venues for all 3 days and have negotiated packages at local hotels for out of town attendees and are in the process of confirming more sponsors. We are blessed to be receiving a portion of what is needed as in-kind donations, however, there is still a need for more cash donations too.
Following is the schedule of activities:
Friday, March 8th – 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm– check in of all attendees at DeLuna Court with wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres, and welcoming .
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM – An amazing and fun “Paint like a Shero” program with local artist Bev Schoopman
Saturday, March 9th – 7:30 – 8:30 am – Check-in & Continental Breakfast with time to view interesting vendor displays.
8:30 – Opening Flag Ceremony by Girl Scouts followed by a few brief announcements
9:00 – 11:30 – multiple powerful guest speakers
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch provided on site.
12:30 – 1:00 – Special Guest Speaker
1:00 – 4:00 pm – FREE TIME to explore Pensacola while several amazing female veterans will be filming their heroic stories for inclusion in the new Women Veterans Museum and community education programs.
4:00 – 8:00 pm – BLOCK PARTY at Woman’s Club of Pensacola (1551 E Heinberg St.) next to site for Women Veterans’ Monument and Museum. Karaoke at Woman’s Club continues till 10 pm.
Food Trucks, FREE BEER, Live Music, Lots of Vendors, Silent Auction, Karaoke, and FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!
Sunday, March 10th – 10:30 – 12:30 – Champagne Brunch at DeLuna Winery with special guest speaker
12:30- 1:00 – Closing Ceremony

Event Participants
HOST – Monument to Women Veterans, Inc.
Woman’s Club of Pensacola
Powerful Women of the Gulf Coast
DeLuna Wines
Pensacola State College
Mollye Barrows Vigodsky – Former WEAR TV Anchor now with Levin Law
Pam Svendson – First female graduate of U.S. Naval Academy
Fran Dunaway – CEO/Co-Founder at Tomboy X, a Fortune 100 Company
Jennifer McFarren – Gulf Power Executive
Tracie Solt – A National Director at Dept. of Veteran Affairs
Eurydice Stanley – Ret. Lt. Col. U.S. Army
Kristen Longley – Cox Communications
Shirley Cornett – Executive Director of Interfaith Ministries
Michelle Salzman – Community Volunteer & Owner Salz Studio

Additional Notes
Attendance prizes will be offered daily
All attendees receive goodie bags at check-in (still accepting more items for bags)
Registration – 3-day Ticket
Includes Wine tasting, heav y hors d’oeuvres, door prizes & painting on Friday, as well as Saturday breakfast & Lunch with attendance prizes plus a ticket to Block Party with FREE beer and prizes, plus the Sunday Brunch in addition to all the presentations from amazing female leaders in various fields
if unable to attend all three days there is an option to purchase a one day ticket – see website for details.
Additional activities are being added and will include a silent auction and Karoke at Woman’s Club of Pensacola on Saturday night.
There will possibly be a few additions and/or changes as more things are finalized with sponsors.