Ines Piquet fell in love with photography while taking a photojournalism class, and this happened twice, back in Rio, where she is from, during college in the 80’s; and in LA, when Ines was taking broadcasting classes at UCLA, a decade later. This second time got her hooked for good. She has been taking pictures since the late 90’s and started doing it professionally early 2000’s; but back then, only on a part-time basis.
Ines had a very nice job and doing photography on the side allowed her to choose the jobs she wanted to take. Ines is a black and white film photographer, who used to love getting lost in a darkroom with all those chemicals and tools. Naturally, when things turned digital she had a hard time adjusting. Photography has always been a huge passion of hers and this year Ines not only unleashed the courage to do it full-time, she also started a new genre: women magazine-inspired portraits.
This is something, fun and Ines is still in the process of building a folio. She love everything about it, from planning the shot, to shooting, to delivering the images during the viewing session. Making women feel beautiful is the greatest job ever!