Kenny Weiss and ChickTech Phoenix
Kenny Weiss is a Coach, Speaker and Author who is at the forefront of the personal development field. Through his own personal journey and nearly 30 years of studying about the role emotions play in our lives, he brings a one of a kind skill set to the individual or business that is looking for more happiness and success personally and professionally.
Whether you are looking to improve your personal or professional success, your outcome will ultimately depend on what you feel. Not your thoughts, not your plan or your process! Think about it. How many times have you laid in bed thinking and knowing known what to do? You know the plan and the process but you just don’t “feel” like doing it? Maybe it was something you know would make your spouse happier and bring you closer? Something you should be doing for your kids? Or maybe it is career oriented? You want to take a big risk, try something new? Whatever it is, the process isn’t what is holding you back, your thoughts aren’t what are holding you back, it’s the “feeling” that comes up! As you lay there contemplating making that choice, “you just don’t feel like it.” Well, I have just detailed where that feeling comes from, why we all have it and how to overcome it in my book, “Your Journey To Success.”
This book bridges the gap to all of the other success books. When you have this skill you can put into place the wonderful tips and processes all the other great success books offer.
Kenny’s clients have included, entrepreneurs, companies, professional athletes, individuals and families who are looking to dig deeper and reach their full potential! They are seeking to make more money, advance in their careers and have deeper more connected relationships with their partner and families.
Facebook: Kenny Weiss
Instagram: KennyWeissCoach

ChickTech is a nonprofit dedicated to retaining women in the technology workforce and increasing the number of women and girls pursuing technology-based careers. We envision a safe, inclusive, and innovative technology future that includes equal pay, participation, and treatment of women. We are dedicated to retaining women in the technology workforce and increasing the number of women and girls pursuing technology-based careers. ChickTech works on both the pipeline (K-12) and retention side of the “women in tech” issue. This means that volunteers aren’t just giving their time and energy to our K-12 program but are also getting what they need to stay in the tech industry. All people, regardless of how technical they are, are viewed as valuable members of the tech community. (This means that if you’re in marketing, HR, legal, management, etc, we want you to be part of our community as both volunteers and attendees).
Twitter: @chicktechphx , @act_wconf
Facebook: Chicktechphx , actwconference
Website: ,
Marielenna “Mary” Ramirez started her career in technology in 2011 when she enlisted in the United States Army. She had the opportunity to explore different areas of technology and visit many places. In 2015, Mary completed her service obligations and moved to Arizona with her husband and daughter. Shortly after she began to work for the technology department at the Laveen Elementary School District. In addition to working for the technology department, Mary strives to mentor and teach underrepresented students different topics of CSTEM. When she is not ChickTeching, Mary is working with other organizations like Girls Who Code, T.E.C. is for Girls by Intel, TECHNOLOchicas,, Moms Can Code and more. You can reach Mary at