Debra Pauli, President | Corporate Financial Solutions, LLC
If you are an owner, board member, senior executive or part of a family business then you will likely face challenges you’re not quite sure how to address. You won’t want to miss this program…why? Because we’ll introduce you to concepts and people to help you deal with these challenges.
As a CPA with additional certifications in Financial Forensics (CFF), Business Valuation (CVA) and Turnaround (CTP), Ms. Pauli brings expertise and experience to company stakeholders facing challenges due to growth, decline or management performance issues. Ms. Pauli has consulted with Boards, Owners and Lenders in supporting stakeholders with such business challenges as management change, cash shortage due to business decline, and investigation of business opportunities. Ms. Pauli’s experience includes CFO of a growth company experiencing challenges due to parent company financial reversals and Controler of an NYSE company in transition due to industry change.