Kali Boatright/GNFCC
Kali Kirkham Boatright is the new president and chief executive officer of the Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce. Boatright led the Douglas County Chamber from a near bankrupt organization when she arrived in 2004 to a flourishing business organization with strong financial stability. To accomplish the success, she inspired staff and volunteers to create new sponsorship opportunities and events, as well as a Chairman’s Club for membership investment and community engagement. She has most recently been instrumental in a community-wide economic and community development initiative with elected leaders, business leaders, and non-profit professionals collaborating for change transformation.
Boatright is a graduate of the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Organization Management and a Georgia Certified Chamber Executive. In addition to her chamber responsibilities, she currently serves as vice president of the Technical College Foundation Association of Georgia, chair of the Georgia Chamber Small Business Federation on the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, executive board member of the Regional Business Coalition, and member of the WellStar Douglas Regional Health Board. She is a past chair of the Georgia Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, founding board member of Brighten Academy Charter School, and past president of the Junior League of Douglas County.
In 2017, Boatright was honored by her peers in the chamber industry when she received the Georgia Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives Legacy Award. As the association’s most prestigious award, it recognizes long-term executives who have excelled over a period of years in leading and innovatively building their chamber. The award is based on the demonstration of excellence in areas of chamber leadership, organizational management, service to the profession, community reputation/involvement, and personal attributes.