Don O’Neill
CopernicusMD sponsored in partnership with MAG
Dr. Ellen Shaver is the chair of CopernicusMD. After 25 years as a board-certified neurosurgeon, Dr. Shaver knew there had to be a better way to manage practice cash flow, patient billing notifications, carrier approvals, and collections. Her desire to enhance practice operations as well as the patient experience led her to form CopernicusMD.
Don O’Neill is the executive managing director of CopernicusMD. Don is responsible for the execution, launch and roll-out of the CopernicusMD platform in the private practice and facility and public and government services sectors. He has a wealth of experience in both consumer-facing technology solutions and project management. Don previously served as the general manager of CreditMiner LLC, where he successfully launched a cutting-edge platform for consumer credit in loan transactions and enabled the company to obtain full reseller status with the three major credit bureaus.
The cost of medical procedures and insurance-related expenses continues to rise. Patients are increasingly expected to pay a larger sum of money at the time procedures are performed. More than 60 percent of employed Americans are unprepared for an out-of- pocket expense of $5,000 or more. The market for financing in medical procedures continues to evolve with new lenders entering the space each year. Each lender has a very specific credit profile which they seek from potential patients/clients. Managing these options is time consuming and frustrating for both the provider and the patient.
CopernicusMD queries a patient’s ICD-10 codes against their insurance to determine how much they will be responsible to pay out-of- pocket. It offers qualifying patients the option of financing their medical expenses. CopernicusMD (instead of practice staff) takes on the responsibility of managing the billing and collection of those payments. CopernicusMD pre-qualifies patients for a loan if they need one. It also matches patients with lenders. CopernicusMD is not a collection agency; it is a finance solution.
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