Sales Productivity and Personal Development
MJ Cordova
MJ Cordova is Founder and CEO of Map To Sales, an Arizona based company focused on sales improvement. They have a subscription based web training program available to sales professionals looking to improve their skills. The company has also helped businesses of all sizes to improve their sales productivity. Map To Sales has an innovative system of auditing the sales process and providing a comprehensive report of the results. They pioneered a sales process that can be adapted to any industry.
MJ is a best selling author and performance expert. With over 30 years in sales, across different industries, he has a wealth of experience to share. MJ has been a keynote speaker for Fortune 500 companies, Chambers of Commerce and many small businesses. His unique approach of combining personal development with tactical skill improvement has regularly produced a 100% increase in sales for his clients.
Connect with MJ Cordova on LinkedIn and Facebook and follow Map To Sales on LinkedIn and Facebook.