Tim McCormack/Business Transition 360
Business Transition 360 is a new furniture dealership, space planning and design company with expertise in all facets of business transition, renovation, relocation and decommission of a workspace, essentially a single source solution for business transition events. Business Transition 360 specializes in helping clients 6 to 12 months before a transition event with planning, design and furniture concepts for a new office space. Business Transition 360 serves clients like Fiserv (decommissioning a 500,000-square-foot campus), Jacobs Engineering (new furniture, relocation and decommissions as a Master Service Provider), Mark Spain Realty (new furniture, space planning for office expansion, IST Management-space planning, and branded solutions for new furniture as they grow) and many more clients which include sustaining used furniture for clients looking for cost effective solutions as they start up and grow their operations. New Lines include AIS, Compel, Logiflex, Hyer, Great Openings, Office Star, and many more.
Jeff Cohen/Attack Digital Marketing
Attack Digital Marketing is an agency that works with sales-driven organizations to connect marketing to the sales process to increase ROI on the marketing investment and to grow sales pipelines. The four key areas that they work in are (1) aligning marketing and sales, (2) implementing inbound marketing strategies, (3) website development, and (4) SEO and content creation.