Join us every Thursday on Renegade Radio at 12:00 pm EST or On-Demand/Anytime-Anywhere
Our guest’s this week are:
Joe Kissack, Author of The Fourth Fisherman
Joe Kissack is a speaker, author, screenwriter, film and television producer, publisher, and entrepreneur. He has worked on a farm, cleaned out refrigerated swinging beef trucks, and served as a senior executive at Sony Pictures. A sought-after speaker, his speaking engagements include charitable events, churches and business conferences. He lives in Atlanta with his wife of more than 25 years, Carmen, and their two daughters.
Tom Siver, President/CEO | Siver Financial
Tom Siver is dedicated to helping his clients achieve maximum results with minimal risks. He has helpedprovide safety and security to his clients and their families, while ensuring that their legacy lives on longafter they have left. Tom’s goal is to protect his clients financial well being so they don’t run out of moneyand to help them reduce or eliminate their taxes when applicable. Tom has been spent almost 15 yrearsin the Financial and Insurance industry. | 678-523-1964 | @siverfinancial