In today’s Wellness Minute Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy shares their favorite Wii fitness tips. Using the Wii for fitness is definitely possible. It is especially good for moving totally sedentary kids and adults to a more active lifestyle. Plus it gets the whiole family involved with fitness so what could be wrong with that. While you are not going to get the same workout and intensity you would from a spin class at you gym there are several Wii games that can get your heart rate up and give you a pretty good workout. Some fun Wii games that are worth checking out are: Wii Sports Boxing; Wii Dance Town; Wii Island Run and Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010. Listen right now to hear Dr Fitness’ tips. Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy’s Wellness Minutes improve your health in 3 minutes a day or less. iTunes Follow me on Twitter @FatGuy
Tags: active, boxing, dance, Fitness, Jillian Michaels, run, Wellness Minute, Wii, workout