In today’s Wellness Minute Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy share some of their favorite weight loss tips. You have to pre plan things if you are serious about losing weight. That means on the weekend cut up a bunch of veggies that you will throughout the week. It also means knowing what you are having for dinner so you know how much to eat for breakfast and lunch. Write things down – nothing will stop you from overeating if you have no idea how much you’ve already eaten that day. If you can look at your food journal and see that you’ve eaten half your calories by lunch time that means you better put the brakes on for dinner. Losing weight is math. If you don’t keep track of the calories you’re consuming you’ll never see the numbers on the scale get smaller. Get exercise in as much as you can – and make it vigorous. Strolls to the mailbox might be good when you are just starting out but after awhile you have to crank up the intensity. Don’t starve yourself – when you are famished bad things happen (like blowing your diet on one Ben and Jerry fest) – using healthy low cal snacks to take the edge off those crazy hunger pangs. Listen right now to hear Dr Fitness’ tips. Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy’s Wellness Minutes improve your health in 3 minutes a day or less. iTunes Follow me on Twitter @FatGuy