In today’s Wellness Minute Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy share how to burn more calories each day. Here are some easy ways to burn extra calories each day. Park far away. My dream is that mall or grocery store park lots will have signs posted at throughout the lot tell you how many calories you’re burning if you walk to the entrance from that point. Kind of like those signs at amusement parks that tell you how long your wait is from that point. Going for a walk at lunch will burn extra calories. At home set a timer and speed clean your house – you get a double bonus a cleaner house and a quick cardio fitness workout. Listen right now to hear Dr Fitness’ tips. Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy’s Wellness Minutes improve your health in 3 minutes a day or less. iTunes Follow me on Twitter @FatGuy
Tags: burn, calories, clean, Fitness, Tips, walk, Wellness Minute, workout