In today’s Wellness Minute Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy explain some reasons why you eat too much. I know for a fact I overeat when I eat directly out of a package or use a large plate or bowl. I will eat whatever is in front of me so if someone hands me a bag of chips I will not stop eating until the bag is empty. Every bag is a single serve container to me. Don’t do that put your snakcs in small portion correct bowls and put the rest away. Another reason people overeat is when they deprive themselves from a craving they eventually weaken and gorge themselves on whatever that craving was – usually chocolate related in my case. When it’s cold people tend to eat more as well. Listen right now to hear Dr Fitness’ tips. Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy’s Wellness Minutes improve your health in 3 minutes a day or less. iTunes Follow me on Twitter @FatGuy