Chris Doleman Pro Auctions® is a new online service that integrates social media and fundraising by hosting online auction events for all levels of charitable and non-profit organizations. The service is available to any charitable organization wishing to raise awareness of upcoming auctions and increase exposure of auction items to a broader audience of potential bidders, ultimately generating improved charitable funds raised. Auctions range from high-end celebrity and sports figures and their charities, to smaller, regional non-profit organizations looking for a wider audience.
Founder and CEO Chris Doleman is a former NFL 15-year veteran for the National Football League. He played for the Minnesota Vikings, Atlanta Falcons, and San Francisco 49ers from 1985 to 1999. He saw the urgent need for the Chris Doleman Pro Auctions® site through his own experiences and continuous charitable work, and set out to bring widespread exposure to charities of any level.
The Celebrity Charitable Network (CCN) is designed as an information gateway to highlight charitable organizations and their efforts to raise awareness through various projects. The Celebrity Charitable Network (CCN) articles are distributed across many platforms throughout global media outlets.
Doleman says, “I live by three principals. You are what you repeatedly do; you are judged by what you give – not what you receive and the best way to predict your future is to create your future. This adventure is driven by the need to assist others while connecting the great people that I have come in contact with throughout my career.”