Bill Boughey/Elevate Experiences
Billy Boughey has a personal media brand that provides physical and digital resources to help leaders grow. Billy is the Founder and President of Elevate Experiences, a business focused on the Leadership Culture, helping companies Live and Lead at a higher level.
Sylvia High/Aiming High
Aiming High is a mindset that empowers people to live the most fulfilling lives possible. They will provide you with highly effective tools to initiate and sustain the groundbreaking redesign of your life now, and into the future. Discover what you don’t know, that you don’t know. Bust up the hidden beliefs that may be standing between you and the career, business, or relationship that you want. Cultivate beliefs that grow your ability to achieve, even when the goal seems far out of reach. They probably won’t teach you very much, but you’ll learn more than you may ever have thought possible when you undertake the Aiming High Experience.