Brain McClellan/N2 Publishing
N2 Publishing is the nation’s leading provider of newsletters for affluent communities. They create custom publications that transform places people live into places people love. Their publications give members of exclusive communities the opportunity to learn about their neighbors by reading their stories and seeing photos that are important to them. The result is quality publications that echo the voice of the neighborhood and reflect the community itself. Throughout the nation, communities who receive an N2 publication find that they know more about their neighbors and feel connected to them in ways that are meaningful and life changing.
John Moss/Interactive Business Technologies
Interactive Business Technologies can be your complete IT service management solution supporting all your servers, network appliances and desktops. Your systems are monitored and supported both remotely and locally by their managed IT services team.
Stephanie Wolfe/The Whole Food Health Coach
A holistic approach to wellness starts with understanding how your lifestyle, exercise, attitude, and nutrition choices integrate and set the stage for your overall health. The Whole Foods Health Coach will teach you simple sustainable principles that will help you take charge of your health and achieve optimal weight correction and wellness. Fueling your body and feeding your family well shouldn’t be such a challenge. Learn how easy it can be to avoid nutrition related diseases, improve learning and behavior, control weight, increase energy levels, prepare healthy snacks/food, and more!
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