Dan Lucas/CREDO Financial Services
CREDO Financial Services has been servicing clients of all sizes, both internationally and domestically, for many years. Whether you are an entrepreneur in start-up phases, or a longstanding pillar of the business community, CREDO’s commitment to forming a true partnership with their clients is exactly what you have been missing from your typical CPA or CFO.
Brenda Lopez/The Lopez Firm
The Lopez Firm is a law office that specializes in immigration matters. Brenda Lopez is a proud Gwinnettian for over ten years, living and working in District 99. As a resident and business owner in the district, she is fully invested in the economic development of the communities in her district and understands firsthand the challenges faced by residents and business owners daily. Brenda is committed to using her legal background and expertise in community development to zealously advocate for her constituents in the State General Assembly.
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