Brandon Barton/Square One for Youth
Square One for Youth is a local not-for-profit foundation created by Gene Whobrey in Suwanee that focuses on career guidance and golf instruction. The lessons they teach go beyond academics and golf. They also integrate important values such as ambition, compassion, integrity, respect, work ethic, and accountability, which can positively impact every aspect of their students’ lives. The Mission of Square One for Youth is to help Gwinnett’s in-need youth succeed personally, academically, and, ultimately, professionally. By investing in their lives through vocational guidance, mentoring, academic tutoring, and golf instruction, Square One opens doors to opportunities that allow their students to achieve success.
Jan Jones/Village of Hope
Village of Hope in Lawrenceville, GA is a non-profit organization compelled by the love, grace and teachings of Jesus Christ to restore hope to the homeless and those in need by recognizing the uniqueness of each individual, family and situation, meeting basic human needs and fostering those who desire to reach their full potential as self-sufficient, productive and responsible human beings.