Steve Kendrick/SELECTsi Automotive
SELECTsi understands that purchasing a vehicle is a big deal, so they decided to make the process more customer focused. Their sales specialists will guide you through the entire process, beginning to end, while sharing their expertise and guidance. By cutting out “customer hand-offs,” SELECTsi Automotive ensures a positive, informative experience for every guest.
Dirk Steiner/YXLON
YXLON International designs and produces radioscopic and CT inspection systems for a broad variety of industrial applications and fields. Whether in the aviation and aerospace, automotive, or electronics industry, their customers are among the largest manufacturers in the world – major enterprises that place their confidence in their outstanding quality. YXLON’s roots go back to the discovery of the X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895 and the construction of the first X-ray tube by Carl Heinrich Florenz Müller in Hamburg in 1896.