Eric Reid/The Eric G. Reid Company
A coach is a word that means ‘come alongside’. Come alongside and share together, teach, listen and lead. The Eric G. Reid Company Coaching/Training involves the ability to understand you: to live where you live, think how you think, and understand your perspective. From this benchmark, he will place another perspective on top of yours, stretching and growing you to gently see a different way. As a certified John Maxwell coach, he can see what you are going through and things you are going to go through. Coaching is foreseeing, paving the way, coming alongside and adding value to you.
Vlad Rusz/Sterling Rose Consulting
Sterling Rose Consulting Corp is a Georgia based company that provides business plan creation and review, online and offline marketing, marketing plan creation and review, accounting, bookkeeping, financial analysis, operations, investor pitch deck creation, immigration visa business plan creation, and business consulting. Their staff has over 25 years of successful entrepreneurial experience. In addition, the CEO of the company has launched and run three successful businesses that currently range in age from 2 to 7 years old with net revenues ranging from over $150,000 to over $4.0 million.
Sterling Rose Consulting Corp prides itself on providing quality, investor ready documentation. The company takes it even one step farther and it makes sure the client understands how to effectively present these documents, whether they are being prepared for internal use or outside investors. Sterling Rose Consulting Corp services both start-ups and established firms.
Missey Cunningham & Sulianna Chandler/RD Direct
RD Direct helps companies find ways to increases efficiencies through service price reductions and network analysis. They make sure their clients have the best prices on the market and the best products that suit the clients needs. Their customers see immediate results and are positioned with the right technologies to support flexibility and future growth.