Risk-takers. Problem solvers. The dreamers and the doers. Not for the faint of heart, being a small business owner is a bold feat. Now, more than ever, it is critical to celebrate those who are up to the challenge. The Gwinnett Chamber’s Small Business Awards do just that by showcasing those that dare to start, sustain, and succeed, and the community that supports them.
Melvin Emerson/Launch Pointe at Gwinnett Technical College (Support System Award)
Launch Pointe, The Clyde L. Strickland Center for Career Experience is laser-focused on providing work-based learning and career development. Working with both large and small local, regional and global business employers, Launch Pointe provides students opportunities to participate in internships, apprenticeships and entrepreneurship experiences designed to augment classroom activity and foster educational, occupational and personal growth.
Donna Linden/Trinity Staffing & Career Resources (Small Business Award 0-5 Employees)
Trinity Staffing and Career Resources provides employers and professionals excellence in staffing & recruiting services.