Reinventing Yourself
On this week’s episode we continued our monthly series with IRC Wealth. CEO, Dave Ragland, and VP Business Development, Joe Schum, joined me in studio along with Debi Buckland, a certified therapist and professional coach. Our topic was reinventing yourself.
Many of us adults know the feeling of, “I need to make a change,” when it comes to thinking about one’s job. It’s hard to truly know what your true self is/wants when you’re graduating from high school and selecting an academic and professional path. That means that for a lot of us, we find ourselves wanting to transition to something else that will be more in line with our spirit and personal values.
With his background as a financial planner and wealth adviser, David talked about how important it is for individuals to consider their personal values and wants relating to their quality of life and standard of living when thinking about making changes that will affect their income. Clearly, leaving one’s job to pursue a dream, whether that’s a new career move or retirement will involve a measure of financial risk.
By sitting down with experts such as David when in the planning phase, risk can be mitigated by understanding obligations, getting a plan for debt elimination, potentially making changes in standard of living expenses, and developing a time line that will facilitate addressing these issues as well as allowing the individual to enjoy their new pursuits.
As a therapist who spends much time speaking with individuals who are wanting to make a change in their lives, she talked about how important it is to be moving toward something more than running away from something. We also discussed how important it is to talk to one’s partner about the changes they’re contemplating since they will also affect their life as well.
As we talked through the show, it was clear that all our experts agree–it can be a great thing for us to find The Thing that allows us to be more authentic, more who we really are. And it was also obvious that sitting down with an expert to craft a plan isn’t simply going to end in being told, “No, you shouldn’t do that.” With some diligence and some planning with qualified pros, you might find you can make that transition to the new you sooner (and more safely) than you think.
David Ragland, CEO/Founder, IRC Wealth
Joe Schum, VP Business Development, IRC Wealth
Debi Buckland, LMFT, LPC, CPCS