Senior Salute Radio brings timely information to leading edge Boomers and Seniors about issues involving care-giving and aging. Learn from both professionals and regular people going through the process with their families. Each week we will also Salute an incredible Senior.
Senior Salute Radio is presented by The Elder & Disability Law Firm of Victoria L. Collier.
Special Guests:
Daphne Reiley, Co-Author of A Tapestry of Love, the Spirituality of Caregiving
Co-Authors Daphne Reiley and Joseph LaGuardia work with caregivers on a virtually day to day basis. Daphne provides spiritual support to caregivers in various settings – over the phone, in person, and in group settings. Joe is a full-time pastor at Trinity Baptist Church in Conyers, GA and offers caregivers support through one-to-one spiritual direction as well as being a resource for information about support groups in the area. The authors have created a website dedicated to their recently published book A Tapestry of Love: The Spirituality of Caregiving, providing their insights into the spiritual struggles facing caregivers as well as links to resources – both written and online.
In writing A Tapestry of Love, the two authors have provided a tool for caregivers in their spiritual journeys. Caregivers often have difficulty staying connected with God as well as often feeling isolated and prone to exhaustion, loneliness, depression, anger and resentment. Within its pages, A Tapestry of Love introduces spiritual practices helpful to caregivers and others in finding spiritual resources for the endurance and strength necessary to make the journey of caregiving a fulfilling one.
Valerie Wages, President of Tom M. Wages Funeral Service
Life is full of opportunities to show someone you love them. One such opportunity is the funeral or memorial service. Such a loving event celebrates the choices they made, the relationship you shared, and honors the memory of your loved one. Tom M. Wages Funeral Service offers years of experience caring for families, from all walks of life. Each family comes to them because they know they are leaders in the profession, dedicated to excellence in service, and with the highest integrity.