BRX Pro Tip: Why Broadcast Live? Transcript
Stone Payton: [00:00:01] Welcome back to BRX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, we talk a lot about our focus on our audience really being in the room. Our model is not really built around mass quantities of listeners. So, if all that’s true, why do we broadcast live?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:21] For us, it’s important to broadcast live because we want to create some tension in the room. We want the guests to know that there is no take-backs, that what they say is important, and they better articulate it properly. So, they have to be in the moment in order to do that. So, the live element is critical for us. It’s not a kind of taped model where we’re going to go back, and fix everything, and edit it to sound perfect. The person has to be good live and when the bullets are flying. So, that creates tension. And then, since our objective is to really leverage, and accelerate, and nurture relationships, by creating the tension, and then relieving the tension by having them have a great show, and by helping them have a great show by being a great host, then you’re able to do what we promise, which is to accelerate and nurture relationships.
Stone Payton: [00:01:14] And if you’ve been listening to these Pro Tips, you know how Lee and I feel about post-show editing. We don’t put much energy in that, but we feel like it’s a more authentic and more real conversation. And it just — all of those things lends itself to creating this relationship that we talked about. It’s just a better product in it.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:36] It’s authentic, and it’s real. And people are tired of slick and polished. They want to hear real people asking real questions and answering them from the heart, not from a talking point or a sheet of paper.